
Rational Vaccine 新体制へ!

いつもお世話になっているネタサイトですが、結構色んなフォーラムがありまして、その中の一つに、Herpes Clinical Trials & Vaccines(ヘルペス治験&ワクチン)というのがあるんです。何となく「フラァ~ッ」と、立ち寄ってみたら、ちょっと気になっていた TheraVax および Rational Vax の今後の体制に関する非常に具体的な情報が掲載されておりました。


(1)RVx CEO フェルナンデスさんからの手紙

Rational Vaccines はまだまだ小さな会社ですが、それ以前にも色んな方が募金や投資をされてきました。いわゆる「募金者」、「投資家」という感じになるのでしょうが、その方々に対し「これからの Rational Vaccines について」、フェルナンデスさんから手紙が送られてきたようです。


A heartfelt Letter from CEO of Rational Vaccines, Agustin Fernandez III

Shareholders of Rational Vaccines,

It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter to the friends and family of RVx. As you all know, my Co-founder, and our Chief Science Officer Dr. William Halford had courageously been battling cancer for the past five years. Despite being terminally diagnosed, Bill never wavered in his commitments; not to his family, his University, his company or his mission to eradicate the HSV virus. He worked tirelessly to bring relief to the hundreds of millions that suffer with this debilitating disease and he made me promise to do the same.
Those who knew Dr. Halford best, know there was no room for self-pity in his lab, zero tolerance for excuses, and never a second to entertain the thought of failure. The only thing Bill’s diagnosis did was reinforce the need to work harder and faster to get his vaccine to the people that so desperately require it;
Nothing could ever keep Bill from achieving his mission.
As you may have already heard. Dr William Halford has recently left this earth, but to be clear, he has not lost his battle to cancer. In typical Bill fashion, he faced the eventuality of his death with bold frankness and calm pragmatism. He knew that we all have a finite amount of time on this earth, and he made sure that every second of his allotment was used to its fullest.
Not more than a month before his passing, we sat together and took stock of his work, of the steps he and I had been taking with the company for the past 2 years. We asked ourselves if we were ready to continue without him. I never wanted to talk about Rational Vaccines without Bill, but he was adamant. As he always did, he pushed me to be better than myself. He made me face the reality of our task and the fact that soon he would no longer be there to help me see it through. We asked ourselves “is RVX ready?” The answer was a resounding
“YES.” Bill Halford had made sure of that.
His loss is nothing short of tragic for me, and for all of you that count him as a friend and family member. There will never be another DR. William Halford. Yet, the reality is that Bill had the vision to prepare the company for any, and all eventualities that may arise. He and I have been working to position RVx so that its success is guaranteed. Its Mission is bigger than any one person, myself included.
Dr. Halford put together an amazing Science Advisory Board that includes. DR. Edward Gershburg, Dr. Daniel Carr, Dr. Joshua Geltz, and Dr. Todd Margolis. This group has been working alongside Dr. Halford for many years. They are qualified to continue pushing his work forward and they have pledged to do so.
June 26th, 2017
Dr. Gershburg has stepped up as our Chief Technical Officer and bravely accepted the daunting task of running the Halford Lab at Rational Vaccines. Dr. Gershburg has been working with Bill for the past 10 years. They have authored many papers together in the field and as a virologist and an HSV specialist in his own right Dr Gershburg is uniquely positioned to continue the work that Dr Halford pioneered. We are lucky to have him, although he had no choice in the matter. As he himself told me. Dr Halford walked into his lab one day and said “ED, when I die, you will continue this work for RVx...” It wasn’t a question, it wasn’t a request, it was fait accompli. Bill has handed picked Dr. Gershburg to carry on the science, because he knew, as I know that Dr. Gershburg can and will rise to this challenge.
On the business end, RVx has made tremendous strides. On March 1st We closed out one million dollars in Bridge Financing. Which took us into a $7 million Dollar seed round that we officially opened on May 1st 2017. A week later that seed round was already oversubscribed and we are currently drafting documents to close on this money.
The round is being led by Thiel Capital, with Founders Fund, Ironbridge Capital Management, and Velorum Capital also joining to fill up the raise.
It is an exciting time for our young company. We are achieving the impossible dream of eradicating the HSV virus one step at a time. Bill and I never doubted it. We always knew the science worked, that people could be treated and that this disease would be stopped. You, the early investors, the friends and family who gave us the wind in our sails when we needed it most, you were always believers. You deserve the most thanks.
Dr. Halford gave his entire life to the science that is making RVx’s success possible. He is still with us, pushing us to be better. To not settle for the status quo, to not accept that 4 billion plus people must live with a condition that is vaccine preventable. Every day, every thought I put into our science, is an echo of the things Bill taught me. He made me promise to continue driving his mission forward, and this is what I will do. I gave him my word and I give it to you all now;
Nothing Will ever keep Bill from achieving his mission.
God works in mysterious ways. If you have spent any time on this earth, you know this to be true regardless of what religious beliefs you hold. I do not understand the wisdom that decides the grand questions of our existence. The why and the when of it all is entirely beyond me. I don’t know why destiny chose that Bill’s time had to come sooner than any of us would have liked. The only solace I can find in this “mystery,” is the knowledge that through RVx, his legacy will last forever. In no small way, you are all responsible for this.
We forge on. Incredibly Grateful.
Agustin Fernandez III Chief Executive Officer Rational Vaccines Inc.

Link to the letter can be seen here. https://www.facebook.com/MakeHerpesGoAway/posts/1563096133754277

Edited Wednesday at 05:46 AM by Rational Vaxxer

Dr. Halford put together an amazing Science Advisory Board that includes. DR. Edward Gershburg, Dr. Daniel Carr, Dr. Joshua Geltz, and Dr. Todd Margolis. This group has been working alongside Dr. Halford for many years. They are qualified to continue pushing his work forward and they have pledged to do so.



Rtional Vaccine の今後の体制について問い合わせてみたところ、「Halford博士が無くなる前からチームが引継ぎをしてを完了しているので、治験Phase 2はもうすぐ開始することになります 」というメッセージが送信されてきた


いやぁ、ちょっと一安心という感じですね… (;・∀・)

(2)Science Advisory Board のメンバーは?

Science Advisory Board というのは、いわゆる「科学技術面に関するアドバイザー」的なものでして、おそらくこれから実施される Phase 1, 2 の治験を実際に執り行い、そこから得られるデータを分析し、次の治験に向けて更なる改良を担当することになると思います。

ですから、Rational Vaccine および TheraVax にとっては、非常に重要な役割を持つ人たちなわけです!

特に、その中でも E. Gershburg博士は特別なようで、研究の引継ぎに関する以下のエピソードにHalford先生との関係を垣間見ることができます…。

Dr. Gershburg has stepped up as our Chief Technical Officer and bravely accepted the daunting task of running the Halford Lab at Rational Vaccines. Dr. Gershburg has been working with Bill for the past 10 years. They have authored many papers together in the field and as a virologist and an HSV specialist in his own right Dr Gershburg is uniquely positioned to continue the work that Dr Halford pioneered. We are lucky to have him, although he had no choice in the matter. As he himself told me. Dr Halford walked into his lab one day and said “ED, when I die, you will continue this work for RVx...” It wasn’t a question, it wasn’t a request, it was fait accompli. Bill has handed picked Dr. Gershburg to carry on the science, because he knew, as I know that Dr. Gershburg can and will rise to this challenge.
ゲルシュバーグ博士は、Rational VaccinesでHalford 博士の研究室を引き継ぐという難しい仕事を引き受けて下さり、技術研究主任として就任して頂くことになりました。ゲルシュバーグ博士は、Halford博士と10年以上共に研究しており、HSV専門家として多くの論文を出版してきました。ゲルシュバーグ博士は、Halford博士が開拓した研究を続けていける唯一の人材であります。ゲルシュバーグ博士には選択肢がなかったようですが、私たちにとっては彼がいることはとても幸運なことであります。ゲルシュバーグ博士が言うには、ある日、Halford博士が研究室に入ってきて、「ED、俺が死んだら、RVXsの仕事、引き継いでくれよ!」と告げたようです。それは質問でも要求でもなく、すでに既成事実的なものでありました。ビル(Williamの愛称)は、当然ゲルシュバーグ博士なら受けてくれると分かっていて、それで科学研究のバトンを彼に渡したのです。


そこで、この ゲルシュバーグ博士について少し調べてみると…、「同じ南イリノイ大学で准教授をされている方で、Halford博士が2011年に発表した論文の共同研究者として名前を連ねている」んですね ( ゚Д゚)


現在は、Halford博士が在籍していた、南イリノイ大学医学部免疫・細胞生物学(Immunology & Cell Biology)で准教授をされているようで、以下のホームページで研究の概略などを確認することができます。



全員ではないですが、他の研究者の方についても チラリ とだけ見てみましたが、いずれの方も Halford博士の研究を共にやってこられた方で、非常に実績のある方々だと思います。







といった(いつもの天邪鬼的思考ですが… 汗)考えもあったので、今回のフェルナンデスさんからの手紙は非常に良かった&安心することができたと思います!(^^)/

まずは、ホッと一安心です… (^◇^)




2 件のコメント:

  1. いつも最新の情報をありがとうございます。

    1. コメント、ありがとうございます。


