
ASP2151の口唇・性器ヘルペスに対する治験(Phase 3)!



日本の製薬会社アステラス製薬が中心となって開発していて、Phase II で「重大なインシデントが生じた」ために開発が中止されていたASP2151ですが、どうやらPhase III の治験が開始されたようです

詳細についてはこれからまた調べてみますが、ASP2151自体は、amenamevir というコードネームで開発されており、前から紹介していた AIC316 と同じ ヘリカーゼ/プライマーゼ抑制効果を持つもので (この効果についても、また後から調べてみます…)、所謂 Super Valtrex の一つとなり得るものです。







JAPIC IDJapicCTI-132292
基本情報 関連ID(NCT01959295:Clinical Trial.gov)
対象疾患 試験の名称
ASP2151の単純疱疹に対する第III相試験 ‐プラセボ対照二重
試験実施者 マルホ株式会社
試験の種類 介入試験(薬剤)
試験の概要 単純疱疹(口唇・顔面ヘルペス、再発型性器ヘルペス)患者を
試験の内容 試験薬剤名 ASP2151錠プラセボ
疾患名 単純疱疹(口唇・顔面ヘルペス、再発型性器ヘルペス)
薬効群名 その他
用法 1日1回、経口投与
試験の目的 治療
試験のフェーズ 第Ⅲ相
目標症例数 453
対象基準 (1) 単純疱疹による皮疹を有し、経口の抗ウイルス薬の適応と
  1) 口唇・顔面ヘルペス:10個以上の丘疹又は水疱・膿疱を
  2) 再発型性器ヘルペス:性器、あるいは性器と肛囲に5個
(2) 皮疹発現後48時間以内に治験薬の投与開始が可能な患者
年齢 20歳~79歳
性別 男女両方
エンドポイント 治験薬投与開始8日目までに治癒が認められた被験者の割合
治癒までの日数 完全痂皮化までの日数、ウイルス消失までの日数
予定試験期間 2013年8月~2014年12月
試験の現状 参加者募集中
試験実施地域 日本
問合せ先 会社名・機関名 マルホ株式会社 京都R&Dセンター
担当部署名 研開管理部
連絡先 ctinfo@mii.maruho.co.jp
登録日 2013-10-02





Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
Nakano-ku, Tokyo, Japan



Efficacy of the anti-VZV (anti-HSV3) vaccine in HSV1 and HSV2 recurrent herpes simplex disease: a prospective study (「HSV 1 & 2 における VZVワクチンの効果」)
という論文に関してなんですが、これに関しては、本当に色々と調べました… (-_-;)



これに関しては諸説あるようなんですが、私が最も「なるほど!」と思ったのは、「水痘ワクチンの効果は約5年~10年で切れる」というもので、大体日本では1~4歳ぐらいの時にワクチンを接種することを考えれば、大体中学生(経験上、多分もっと長いこと大丈夫だろうと思うのですが… 汗)ぐらいになるとワクチンの効果が切れてしまう(もしくは弱くなってしまう)と考えられるわけです…。



ちなみに、これに対する答えは、まだ見つかっておりません… (ー_ー)!!

この研究、前にも書いたように…、ツッコミどころ満載でして… (^_^;)


なかなか、魅力的ですが、「う~ん…」と考えてしまう研究なのでありました… (-_-)

* ちなみに、ウイルスの排出に関しては、調査していなかったように思います…。




まずは、その 「とある論文」 とやらのタイトルを見てみますと…

Efficacy of the anti-VZV (anti-HSV3) vaccine in HSV1 and HSV2 recurrent herpes simplex disease: a prospective study (「HSV 1 & 2 における VZVワクチンの効果」)





たとえ同族であっても、HSV 1, 2 (=口唇、性器ヘルペス), HSV 3 は、異なるものである





The present prospective study was conducted from January 2005 through January 2011. Twenty-four patients afflicted with HSV1 and HSV2 herpes recurrences over a period of years, numbering 6–8 and more recurrences per year, agreed to receive the anti-VZV vaccine. They were compared with 26 nonvaccinated patients presenting with herpes simplex diseases 2–5 times a year. All 50 patients were documented with anti-HSV1, anti-HSV2, and anti-VZV antibody serological testing.

  1. 調査の時期は、2005年1月から2011年1月の6年間
  2. HSV 1、2に感染している24人の方に水痘ワクチンを接種してもらい、非接種群(26名のHSV 1, 2感染者)との比較を行った

Results: From 2005 through 2011, for the 24 anti-VZV vaccinated patients, the average number of herpes relapses decreased to 0, correlated with an increased anti-VZV antibody level and clinical recovery of all patients, whereas no improvement was observed for the 26 nonvaccinated herpes patients.
Conclusion: Data for the anti-VZV serological antibody levels tested before and after anti-VZV vaccination showed a significant (P , 0.001) increase among vaccinated patients. This suggests defective anti-VZV immune power in these patients. After 6 years of positive results for anti-VZV vaccine, this is a logical and fair hypothesis. We can now undertake a randomized study to confirm these findings.

  1. 2005年から2011年までの6年間における変化を見てみると、水痘ワクチンを接種した人の全員(=24名)が再発ゼロとなったが、ワクチンの接種を受けていない26人には、症状の改善は見られなかった。
  2. 水痘ウイルスに対する抗体は、ワクチン接種後、有意に増加しており、この抗体がHSVの症状改善に影響しているのかもしれない…(最後の部分は、論文の中に書いてあるものです)




ようで、必ずしも100%成功する対処法とは言い切れないようです… (ーー;)

事実、この研究、「突っ込みどころ満載」 なんですね!(゜o゜)

それに関するお話しは、また次回に… (笑)

(注) 今回の記事に記載している内容は、あくまでも素人の銭形が理解した限りのものであり、なんら科学的根拠があるものではありませんので、例えば、「よし、それでは、水痘ワクチンを接種しよう」と短絡的に判断することは止めてください。最終的な判断は、必ずかかりつけの医者などと相談した上で行うようにしてください。



以前、少しお休みした原因となった 「とある論文」 についてですが、よくよく考えてみた挙句…、やっぱり情報を提供することにしました!





  1. 私、銭形は、決してウイルス治療・研究に携わっている専門家ではないこと
  2. 本稿に記載している内容は、HSVに感染している素人が集めたものであること
  3. 従って、最終的な判断は読み手自身であり、読み手自身が医者等の専門家と相談した上で行うべきものであること
  4. また、今回の投稿により生じた(または派生した)いかなる損害・相談にも対応できないこと




HerpV Phase 2 結果!=ウイルス排出にも効果が (#^.^#)



  Phase 2の結果として、ウイルスの排出抑制にも効果が確認された



  1. 80人の被験者のうち、70名に Herp + QS-21(活性剤)を各週で3回投与し、残りの10名には偽薬を同回数投与した。
  2. 実験の前後45日間、性器部分の粘膜を綿棒で摂取してもらった。

というもの(らしい… (-_-;))のですが、その結果は!

  1. 排出されるウイルス量が、実験前と比べて15%減少していた!
  2. 確認されたウイルス価が、34%減少していた (←イマイチ、よく分かりませんでした…、スミマセン)


  治療だけでなく、予防 & 感染防止にも役立つ!


AIC316の治験中止には、「エ~っ…」と思ってしまったのですが、こういう話題が次に出てきてもらったので、本当に 「ホッ」 としています…。

是非、これからも見守っていきたい治験ですね (#^.^#)

Agenus’ HerpV Therapeutic Vaccine for Genital Herpes Meets Primary Endpoint in Randomized Phase 2 Trial


Lexington, MA – November 7, 2013

Agenus Inc. (Nasdaq: AGEN), a developer of therapeutic vaccines for cancer and infectious diseases, today announced statistically significant top-line results from its Phase 2 randomized, double-blind, multi-center study for HerpV, a recombinant “off-the-shelf” therapeutic vaccine candidate for the treatment of patients with herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2). HerpV contains a defined mixture of peptides representing HSV-2 antigens plus Agenus’ QS-21 Stimulon®* adjuvant.

This Phase 2 study tested the biological efficacy of HerpV measuring genital viral shedding 45 days before and after three injections of HerpV. The primary analysis, which looked at viral shedding after the initial three injections, shows that subjects who received HerpV had a statistically significant reduction in viral shedding (P=0.015; RR=0.85). These results suggest a 15% reduction in viral shedding after the initial treatment period before the administration of the booster injection. The results also demonstrate a reduction in viral load of 34% (P=0.08). Placebo patients showed no reduction compared to baseline in either parameter. Notably, patients were not on any antiviral treatments during their swabbing period. The initial data support that vaccination with HerpV has a real, measurable biological effect lowering the active shedding of the virus.

The majority of subjects in the study have received a booster injection of HerpV that was given six months after the first vaccination followed by determination of genital viral shedding for an additional 45-day period. Post-booster viral shedding results, along with immune response data, are anticipated in the first half of 2014.

“These data are exciting as we are finally seeing that we can direct the immune system to fight this disease,” said the study’s lead Principal Investigator, Anna Wald, M.D., Professor of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, University of Washington. “These HerpV data confirm that immune therapy may be an effective intervention in genital herpes; as such this is an exciting new finding.”

“These data are exceedingly promising as this is one of the first HSV vaccine trials to demonstrate a reduction in viral shedding and trends in decreasing viral load,” said Richard Whitley, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics, University of Alabama at Birmingham. “I am pleased to see this progress given the significant need for new treatment options for managing HSV-2 disease and its transmission on a global level.”

The HerpV Phase 2 study design was defined by key opinion leaders in the field. Experts in HSV-2 clinical research believe that a reduction in viral shedding is an important surrogate for clinical benefit in the form of reduction in recurrent outbreaks.

About the Phase 2 HerpV Study

A total of 80 subjects with a history of 1-9 herpes recurrences within the prior 12 months were randomized into the trial and 70 subjects received the active treatment, HerpV and QS-21 Stimulon, and 10 subjects received placebo. Three injections of HerpV at a dose of 240μg (includes 12μg of 32 different HSV-2 associated peptides) or placebo were given at 2 week intervals with a 45 day genital swabbing period before and after the vaccination period. Swabs were sent to the laboratory at the University of Washington for PCR analysis of HSV-2 virus.

The top-line, pre-booster PCR data show that subjects who received HerpV had a statistically significant reduction in viral shedding after three vaccinations in comparison to baseline (P=0.015) with a relative risk reduction of 0.85. In the small group of subjects who received placebo there was no reduction in viral shedding (P=0.96). Agenus expects to carry out a more complete assessment of efficacy and immunologic response when the post-booster viral swabbing data are available, which is anticipated during the first half of 2014. In this study, the vaccine candidate was generally well tolerated.

About Agenus’ Heat Shock Protein Platform (HSP) and Recombinant Series HerpV

HerpV is a recombinant therapeutic vaccine for the treatment of genital herpes caused by the herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2). The vaccine is based on Agenus' HSP platform technology, and contains Agenus’ proprietary QS-21 Stimulon adjuvant, a plant-derived adjuvant that boosts specific immune responses. HerpV consists of recombinant human heat shock protein-70 complexed with 32 distinct 35-mer synthetic peptides from the HSV-2 proteome. This broad spectrum of herpes antigens is intended to allow for more accurate immune targeting and surveillance, reducing the likelihood of immune escape. Further, the diversity of antigens in HerpV increases the chance of providing efficacy for a wide segment of the patient population.

In a four-arm, Phase 1 study, 35 HSV-2 seropositive patients received HerpV (designated in the study as AG-707 plus QS-21 Stimulon), AG-707, QS-21 Stimulon alone, or placebo. Patients received three treatments at two-week intervals. The vaccine was generally well tolerated, with injection site pain as the most common reported adverse event.

In the Phase 1 study, all patients who were evaluable for immune response and received HerpV showed a statistically significant CD4+ T cell response (100%; 7/7) to HSV-2 antigens as detected by IFNγ Elispot, and the majority of those patients demonstrated a CD8+ T cell response (75%; 6/8). This study was published in the scientific journal Vaccine.

About HSV-2

About one in six Americans (16.2 percent) between the ages of 14 and 49 is infected with herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (http://www.cdc.gov/std/Herpes/STDFact-Herpes.htm). Herpes is the fastest growing STD in America, and experts predict that one in four Americans will contract an STD sometime in their life. Since two thirds of the population that gets herpes is age 25 or younger, it is a real health threat to society. HSV-2 is a lifelong and incurable infection that can cause recurrent and painful genital sores.

About Agenus’ QS-21 Stimulon® Adjuvant

Agenus’ flagship adjuvant, QS-21 Stimulon, is a saponin extracted from the bark of the Quillaja saponaria tree, also known as the soap bark tree, an evergreen tree native to warm temperate central Chile. QS-21 Stimulon has become a key component of vaccines intended to prevent a wide variety of infectious diseases and to treat cancers and degenerative disorders. It is currently being studied in clinical trials for approximately 21 vaccine indications, and over 50,000 patients have now received vaccines candidates containing the adjuvant. GlaxoSmithKline is a key licensee and their Phase 3 vaccine programs include RTS,S for malaria, MAGE-A3 cancer immunotherapeutic for non-small cell lung cancer and melanoma and HZ/su for shingles. In addition, Janssen’s QS-21 Stimulon-containing vaccine candidate is in Phase 2 trials for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

About Agenus

Agenus Inc. is a biotechnology company developing treatments for cancers and infectious diseases. The company has multiple immunotherapeutic products based on strong technology platforms that are advancing through the clinic. Agenus’ technology is further validated through partnerships with major pharmaceutical companies, with several product candidates in late-stage clinical trials with corporate partners. For more information, please visit www.agenusbio.com.

Forward-Looking Statement

This press release contains forward-looking statements, including statements regarding clinical trial activities, the publication of data, and the potential application of the Company’s technologies and product candidates in the prevention and treatment of diseases. These forward- looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. These risks and uncertainties include, among others, the factors described under the Risk Factors section of our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the period ended June 30, 2013. Agenus cautions investors not to place considerable reliance on the forward-looking statements contained in this release. These statements speak only as of the date of this document, and Agenus undertakes no obligation to update or revise the statements. All forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. Agenus’ business is subject to substantial risks and uncertainties, including those identified above. When evaluating Agenus’ business and securities, investors should give careful consideration to these risks and uncertainties.



オーストラリア Queensland UniversityのIan Frazer教授を中心に開発を進めているもので、このブログでも、

  • 「やるじゃん、Coridon」
  • 「スゴイぞCoridon!HSV完治ワクチン?」http://houseofherpesians.blogspot.jp/2011/10/coridonhsv.htm
  • 「Coridon ついに発つ!」


今回見つけた記事は、同教授を中心とした医療系ベンチャー企業(多分…(-_-;))、「CoridonのHSVワクチンがPhase 1の治験を始めた」というものです。


Even if trials succeed a commercial vaccine would be 6–10 years away, but Frazer and Finlayson have bigger plans. "The technology we have come up with could make vaccines for other viral diseases in virtually the same way," says Finlayson. “We would have to look at each disease and select one or more proteins from a particular virus and apply the technology to develop a vaccine that primes both arms of the immune system. We think it could be applicable to any virus."
という箇所でして、 要約すると…、

  • 商用化されるまでは、6‐10年が必要
  • 今回のワクチン開発で用いている技術は、他のウィルス系の病気に対するワクチン開発にも応用できると期待される





Herpes Vaccine Trials Begin

By Stephen Luntz

Phase 1 trials are underway for a vaccine against the HSV-2 virus responsible for genital herpes.

An estimated 500 million people have HSV-2 infections. While many never experience an outbreak of the genital sores, they may still be infectious. For others “the virus causes pain and discomfort, and can have serious health implications for babies born to infected women,” says Prof Ian Frazer, who is leading research into the vaccine at the Diamantina Institute. Moreover, genital sores greatly increase the chance of HIV transmission.

Coridon, the company developing the vaccine, will inject 20 healthy individuals to test its safety and establish the dose required to generate a strong immune response. “Based on that we will know if we can move to the next stage or if we need to tweak the vaccine and test again,” says Coridon CEO Neil Finlayson.

The vaccine works by introducing a small section of DNA that uses the body’s cells to produce a protein that primes the immune system against HSV, both by causing the production of antibodies and by generating a cell-mediated response.

“Herpes infection can stay dormant in the spinal cord and sit in a latent stage in the ganglion, returning when the body is under stress,” Finlayson says. “Antibodies can protect against viral infection, but when someone is already infected you need a cell-mediated response where T-cells recognise the body’s own cells as infected and mount a response to clean up the virus.”

Finlayson says it is hoped the vaccine will prime the cell-mediated response to the point where, when an infection occurs, the body immediately fights it and sores do not form. However, he says that “the vaccine needs to be tested for both new infections and treatment”.

There are enough similarities in the surface proteins for HSV-1 and HSV-2 that Finlayson says there is a possibility the vaccine will also be useful against oral herpes or “cold sores”.

Even if trials succeed a commercial vaccine would be 6–10 years away, but Frazer and Finlayson have bigger plans. “The technology we have come up with could make vaccines for other viral diseases in virtually the same way,” says Finlayson. “We would have to look at each disease and select one or more proteins from a particular virus and apply the technology to develop a vaccine that primes both arms of the immune system. We think it could be applicable to any virus.”
