
Vical の秘密兵器?Vaxfectin

ちょっとドタバタしてしまいまして、更新が遅れてしまいました… (*_*;

スミマセン (*´з`)

どうやら、Vicalさんが VaxfectinというHSV2に特化した新薬の治験に入ったようですね!(^^♪



  1. VaxfectinはHSV2に特化した「治療薬」で、
  2. 性器ヘルペス患者からのウイルス排出にも効果が期待!

ということのようです (^^♪

Vaicalさんは製薬会社の名前で個人的にはよく聞くんですが…、世界ランク50位には入っていないんですね… (´・ω・`)



  • 武田製薬
  • アステラス製薬
  • 第一三共
  • 大塚製薬
  • エイザイ
  • 三菱田辺
  • 共和発酵
  • シオノギ




と言いたいところです (^^)/

まぁ、いずれにしても、Phase 2の第一段階ですからね、先は長いですが、是非とも実現を期待したいところです!

Vical Incorporated (NASDAQ:VICL) Initiated The Phase-1/2 Trial Of Its Vaxfectin


Boston, MA, 01/27/2014 (nysepost) - Recently, Vical Incorporated (NASDAQ:VICL) announced that the company had initiated the  Phase-1/2 trial of its  Vaxfectin™-formulated therapeutic-vaccine used for herpes simplex virus type-2 (HSV-2), which is a cause of genital-herpes, in almost 156 subjects. This randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial will evaluate the tolerability, safety and the efficacy in the otherwise healthy HSV-2-infected patients who are aged 18-50 years at 6 key United States’ clinical sites.

Vice President for Vaccine Research at Vice President of Vaccine Research, Larry Smith said that the initiation of this particular trial represents another milestone for the company. This trial is specifically-designed to demonstrate he reductions in rate of HSV-2 that has been shed from the individuals suffering from symptomatic genital herpes. A therapeutic vaccine might  be an ideal approach to reduce viral shedding due to its  ability to harness the immune-system in controlling HSV-2, potentially freeing the subjects from daily, life- long antiviral drug-usage.

The Phase-1/2 trial is a critical step towards development of a product that limits the viral shedding but might also reduce symptomatic genital-herpes lesions and virus transmission said Smith. HSV-2 is a sexually-transmitted virus which is the main cause of a recurrent genital herpes. Around 1 out of 6 six individuals aged 15-49 years globally is chronically infected by the HSV-2 virus. HSV-2 infections are very persistent and can eventually result in debilitating genital-lesions. Periodic virus-shedding places sexual partners at a risk of infection. The presence of the HSV-2 genital lesions significantly raises the risk of acquiring this HIV-1 virus from any HIV-infected sexual partners. There is still no approved-vaccine for HSV-2.

Vical Incorporated (NASDAQ:VICL) researches & develops bio pharma products that are based on the company’s patented DNA-delivery technologies for prevention and the treatment of various serious/ life-threatening diseases. Potential applications of Vical Incorporated (NASDAQ:VICL)’s DNA-delivery technology include DNA-vaccines for cancer or infectious diseases.

1 件のコメント:

  1. こんばんは、銭形警部さんバイカルの最新情報有難うございます。バイカルは期待大大大です。ここは完治薬を開発してくれそうな研究してますからね。バイカルのHPにも治験経過が出てます。英語で意味がさっぱり解りませんが経過は順調かな?
