

かつてBiovexというバイオ系の会社が作っていたHSV-1、2双方を対象とする生ワクチンで、昨年度ぐらいから同薬に関する治験(Phase I)がイギリスのロンドンで行われたのですが、今年の2月にAMGENというアメリカ(?)の会社に買収されて以来、パッタリと情報が途絶えていたので、「ImmunoVexはどうなったんだろう…?せっかく期待していたのに…」という声も多くあったようです…。

そうしていたところ、イギリスのHVA(Herpes Virus Association)のディレクターから最新の情報が入ったようで、「AMGENもBioVexの買収に結構手こずっていたようですが、全ての作業も完了し、治験に参加してくれたボランティアへの投薬も最近になって完了した」ようです。

おそらく(うまくいけばの話かもしれませんが)「2、3ヶ月程度でPhase Iの結果が公表される」可能性もあるようです。

Phase Iの結果がよければ、AGMENもPhase IIに投資する可能性も広がると思います。

Phase IIに進めるように期待したいと思います!


I did receive an email response about Immunovex from Marion Nicholson who is the director of the HVA in London yesterday. It appears that the Amgen purchase delayed the start of the first clinical trial for ImmunoVex. According to Marion, the volunteers were only recently injected. She said she would post news about the results on her website as soon as it is available. Hopefully, Amgen will see this as a lucrative investment and continue the trials and make this vaccine available.

Also, someone posted a while back that this was not a cure. I guess a cure is relative. From what I read, in animal trials, it suppresses the virus to the point it cannot cause symptoms or infect anyone else. This is not unlike the chicken pox virus we were all infected with as children. According to the data, it also makes a non infected person completely resistant to infection from a wild strain of HSV2. This vaccine doesn't eliminate it from your body, but if it can't affect you or anyone else, I'd call that a cure.

Marion's response to me is below.

"We are working with the trial doctors here in London. They have only just finished injecting the phase 1 volunteers and there has been no report yet on this phase 1 trial.

"My expectation is that we will hear in the next few months and then we have to hope that Amgen will be interested in paying for the phase 2 trial."

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