
ヘルペスワクチン最前線 01: TheraVax ProfaVax

最新ヘルペス ワクチン開発情報第1弾です☆



  TheraVax, ProfaVax



(1)TheraVax ProfaVaxの開発経緯

現在、TheraVax ProfaXax の両ワクチンは、南イリノイ大学(SIU: Southern Illinois Universiry)医学部教授の William Halford 博士が中心となり研究・開発が進められ、現在では SIU と Rational Vaccines RVx という会社(研究・開発の主任は Halford 博士)が共同で研究を進めているようです。

  • 生ワクチン
  • 不活性化ワクチン
という2種類に分けられていたのですが、近年の DNA技術の進歩に伴い、人体が抗体を作るのに必要なタンパク質だけを持った「サブユニットワクチン」が開発され、ヘルペスの研究にも広く活用されることとなりました。この記事で取り上げている TheraVax ProfaVax はいづれも「生ワクチン」の部類に入ります。






その一方で、「ワクチンを接種 → その病気が発症してしまう」危険性に注目すると、サブユニットワクチンは生ワクチン・不活性化ワクチンに比べてその危険性がグッと下がることが分かると思います。生ワクチン・不活性化ワクチンの場合は、「ほぼ生に近い」病原体を体内に取り込むわけですから、当然のことながらその病気を発症してしまう確率がある程度はあるわけなのですが、サブユニットワクチンの場合はその可能性を非常に低く抑えることができると考えられるわけです!



  あまり芳しくない… "(-""-)"

わけでして、かなり期待されていた HerpVac も効果が薄く、最終的には開発が中止されてしまいました…。(´・ω・`)


  大阪大学の高橋 理明名誉教授が開発された、水痘生ワクチン(OKA株)

が非常に有名ですが、これに続いて、「多少リスクはあるかもしれないが、効果がはっきりと認められる HSVワクチンを開発しよう」という意図で開発が開始されたのが、この TheraVax ProfaVax であったわけです…。

TheraVax ProfaVax のユニークな点は、
ウィルスの複製や不活性化に大きく関与している ICP0 というタンパク質を生成する遺伝子をノックアウトすることに成功している
点で、これにより ICP0 に関連する遺伝子以外の遺伝子情報(全体の約99%)を含んだワクチンの生成が可能となっているのです☆
ICP0 については、「ヘルペスウィルス遺伝子発現制御因子の機能発現機構の解明」という論文に結構詳しく書いてありますので、興味のある方は読んでみてください。ちなみに、銭形はまだ読んでおりません… (;・∀・) 
ちなみに、TheraVax は既感染者の治療を目的としたもので、ProfaVax は未感染者の予防を目的としたものとなっています☆(^^♪



  • 現在は、TheraVaxを対象とした治験 Phase 1が アメリカの南にある Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis という小さな国で終了したところ。現在は、そのデータを分析しているところ(の模様…)
  • 予定されていた3回の接種を受けた後の効果に関しては、
    • 治験を受けた17名中全員が、これまで受けていた抗ウィルス薬以上の効果を実感!
    • 月の発症率が抗ウィルス薬治療時と比較して、3.2倍減少した!



Phase 1をアメリカ本土ではなく、Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis という小さな国で実施しているのは、いわば「抜け道」的なもので、アメリカで FDAの承認を得て治験・開発を行うと少なくとも10年以上はかかるが、アメリカの近郊国で治験を実施 → メキシコなどで販売、ということになれば、もっと短い時間(おそらくは5年ぐらい)で実際に治療現場でつかってもらうことができる、というのが理由のようです。

Phase 1での治験結果がかなり良かったようなので、今年度中にも Phase 2 が開始されるのではないかとも思われます。ただ、治験には多大な資金が必要になるので、そこが気になるところではあります…。


という記事でして、どうやら PayPal の Co-founder(創設者)の一人が「数億ドル」を Rational Vaccine に投資することが報道されたようです。やっぱり、治験には非常に大きな資金が必要なので、もっと多くの人が投資してくれると嬉しいですね☆(^^♪

ちなみに、Rational Vaccines は、治験参加希望者をネットで募集しています。募集先は、こちらです。


また、次回の HSV Vaccine Report 02 にご期待くださいませ☆(^^♪

PayPal co-founder expected to invest in herpes vaccine maker in Springfield

By Dean Olsen 
Staff Writer 

Posted Apr 19, 2017 at 7:00 PM
Updated Apr 20, 2017 at 5:29 AM
PayPal co-founder and Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel’s investment firm plans to make a “multimillion-dollar” investment in Springfield-based Rational Vaccines to expand and speed up overseas testing of the company’s genital herpes vaccines, the company’s CEO says.

“They’re the perfect partner for us,” said Agustin Fernandez III, chief executive officer of Rational Vaccines, the company he started in 2015 with William Halford, a Southern Illinois University School of Medicine researcher.

Halford’s work in his laboratory at the Springfield-based medical school formed the foundation for the work of Rational Vaccines, a privately held company that uses a live but weakened form of the herpes virus to treat one of the world’s most common sexually transmitted infections.

Frustrated by resistance in the U.S. scientific community to a vaccine based on a live “attenuated” virus — even though vaccines for measles, mumps and chickenpox all use attenuated viruses — Halford has said he will prove the effectiveness of his discoveries overseas and hopes that the benefits patients receive there eventually convince the Food and Drug Administration to give Americans access.

Dr. Jason Camm, chief medical officer of Thiel Capital, the San Francisco-based investment firm founded by Thiel, is expected to formally announce the partnership at a news conference Thursday in Springfield.

Camm and others at Thiel Capital didn’t respond to a request for comment.

Halford, 48, a Springfield resident and chief science officer of Rational Vaccines, is dealing with terminal cancer and has been unavailable for comment, SIU officials said.

“The vaccines that Dr. Halford has developed show promise to dramatically improve the health of the public and relieve suffering from herpes infections for millions of people,” Dr. Jerry Kruse, dean and provost of SIU School of Medicine, said in a statement.

“The investment by Thiel Capital is a big step forward in making Dr. Halford’s dream a reality,” Kruse said.


Fernandez, 41, a movie producer and director who lives in Los Angeles and New York, said he was introduced to Thiel Capital officials by a friend who is close to Thiel, Facebook’s first professional investor. Thiel, 49, whose net worth is listed at $2.7 billion by Forbes, expressed interest in Rational Vaccine’s work, according to Fernandez.

Halford and Fernandez have traveled to San Francisco and talked with Camm and others at Thiel Capital for the past six months, Fernandez said.

“It’s a rigorous due diligence process,” he said.

Negotiations with Thiel Capital are almost complete, Fernandez said, but he wouldn’t release the specific amount of the investment until everything is finalized over the next few weeks.

“We just felt that Thiel Capital were the right partners,” Fernandez said. “It wasn’t about the money. It’s the fact that they’re mission-oriented, and they believe in the science. ... They’re very focused to make the world better.”

Up to this point, Halford, Fernandez and their friends and family members have invested a total of about $1.2 million in Rational Vaccines. That money allowed the company to set up a lab in a downtown Springfield office building and conduct a phase 1 clinical study last year in the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, a two-island nation in the Caribbean.

The money and expertise from Thiel Capital, Fernandez said, is “going to allow us to move forward ... at maybe a thousand-times-quicker pace than we were doing on our own. This partnership expands the network exponentially and expands our ability to do better science exponentially.”

Rational Vaccines is working with officials in Mexico and unnamed Caribbean nations to conduct another phase 1 trial of the treatment vaccine Theravax, involving 20 to 25 patients, as well as phase 2 trial of Theravax involving more than 200 patients, Fernandez said.

The trials — which will continue to test the vaccine’s safety and begin to evaluate effectiveness — will be conducted in late 2017 or early 2018, he said, adding that the company also is working with a foreign nation he wouldn’t name to offer Theravax to the general population of herpes sufferers.

None of Halford’s vaccines has been evaluated in the “gold standard” of testing — large-scale, multi-site trials involving thousands of patients and the use of both placebos and real medicine.

Halford, a native of New Orleans who holds a doctorate degree in viral immunology from Louisiana State University, is working to get results of the first clinical trial published in a scientific journal, Fernandez said.

At the pinnacle

Halford has said that his research in mice showed results 100 times better than the failed genital herpes vaccine developed by GlaxoSmithKline using pieces of protein, or subunit, from a virus. Trials of the GlaxoSmithKline vaccine cost the federal government more than $27 million between 2003 and 2009.

SIU officials praised Halford, an SIU faculty member since 2007, for the expected Thiel Capital partnership and clinical results thus far. Halford previously worked at Montana State University and Tulane University School of Medicine and has researched the herpes simplex virus since 1992.

Donald Torry, SIU’s interim associate dean for research, said in a statement: “Few scientists get to the pinnacle where Dr. Halford is today. Discovery research is often about placing individual pieces into a sometimes very big puzzle. Few scientists will get to see their completed puzzle, but I believe all scientists are compelled by their convictions that adding their pieces will someday significantly benefit society.”

SIU is co-owner of one issued patent and the sole owner of two pending patents in connection with Halford’s research on vaccines, according to Robert Patino, the SIU system’s director of technology transfer. Any royalties earned through patents will be equally shared between SIU and Halford, Patino said.

‘A normal life’

Richard Mancuso, 48, of Brick, New Jersey, said he was one of the 17 herpes patients who received the three-shot vaccine series of Theravax after flying to Saint Kitts and Nevis in April, May and June of 2016.

All 17 patients reported more benefits from the vaccine than the antivirals they had taken in the past, according to Rational Vaccines. And on average, patients reported a three-fold reduction in the days in which they felt herpes symptoms.

Mancuso said he experienced a two-thirds reduction in herpes symptoms. He used to go through two to three outbreaks each month, with sores on his genitals and face.

Mancuso said he has worked as a truck driver and pest exterminator and dealt with herpes for 25 years.

“It’s probably the No. 1 reason I’m still single,” he said.

Since the inoculations, his outbreaks are less frequent and not painful, he said, adding that he hasn’t had any side effects from the treatment.

“It’s pretty damn good compared to where I was before,” he said. “Having the potential for a normal life is much better.”

Mancuso said he is willing to talk with others about his experience with the treatment and can be reached at itsnotatumor@icloud.com. His Twitter handle is @RationalVaxxer.

Mancuso said he has talked with herpes sufferers who have contemplated suicide because of the social isolation, pain and dread that the condition can bring.

He said he was lucky to be part of the trial.

“I’m pretty happy to be part of something a lot bigger than myself,” he said. “There is a therapeutic cure, and it works. I think that changes everything.”

— Contact Dean Olsen: dean.olsen@sj-r.com, 788-1543, twitter.com/DeanOlsenSJR.


Herpes facts

* In the United States, one in seven people ages 14 to 49, or more than 23 million people, have genital herpes. As many as 3 million of them suffer herpes outbreaks, which can include painful blisters, four to 24 times per year.

* More than 400 million people worldwide have genital herpes, with tens of millions living with chronic symptoms, including chronic pain, that often aren’t alleviated with available medical treatments such as anti-viral medications.

*The global market for treatments to reduce the severity of herpes symptoms will reach $4.8 billion annually this year, according to Global Industry Analysts Inc. Rational Vaccine’s treatment for herpes sufferers is called Theravax.

* SIU School of Medicine says Theravax works by using a live attenuated virus that slows the replication process of genital herpes, allowing the immune system to better control the disease.

* The global market for Rational Vaccines’ preventive vaccine, Profavax, could be more than $10 billion per year, according to SIU researcher William Halford.

1 件のコメント:

  1. I am glad with the invention of natural herbal permanent cure for herpes. Sometimes last year i was checking for permanent solution to this offensive infection i don't even know how i got, i came across so many testimonies shared about this herbal doctor called DR EMUA, I contented him and asked him for proves, just to be sure i was not in the wrong hands, he gave me so many proves and i had no option that to give him a try, just to cut everything short, i got a parcel from him through FedEx and he told me how to apply it which i did, after one month i went to the same doctor for a retest, and the doctor could not find any trace of herpes in my body, am so happy now, don't even know how to show the joy in me, if you have same sickness or any illness given you hard time i will advice you to contact this great healer called DR EMUA, You can contact him Via this email dremuahelphome@outlook.com or dremuahelphome@gmail.com for easy and fast communication you can also call or add him on whats-app with this number +2347063628174
