


以前、そこのMedical Schoolが、「DL5-29」という遺伝子操作により増殖できなくされたHSVウイルスを使った研究を行っていたのですが、Accambisという会社に研究が引き継がれ、その会社がSanofi Pasteurという別の会社に吸収された後は、なかなか情報が表に出てこなかったようです…。

DL5-29というコードネームは、今現在、ACAM529とその名称を変更されているのですが、体内でのHSVウイルス増殖を抑えるための鍵となる抗体(Antibody)と免疫細胞(T Cell)の両方を非常に活性化させることから、頻発するHSV-2の発症を抑えるだけでなく、ウイルスが神経節内で活動を休止することも阻止できるようです!(←これは凄い!)


このACAM529は、HSV-2だけでなく、HSV-1に対しても有効のようで、「2012年には治験(Phase I)が開始されるだろう」と言われてきました。(… まだまだこれから続きますよ…)


A laboratory at Harvard Medical School has developed dl5-29 (now known as ACAM-529), a replication-defective mutant virus that has proved successful both in preventing HSV-2/HSV-1 infections, and in combating the virus in already infected hosts, in animal models. It has been shown that the replication-defective vaccine induces strong HSV-2-specific antibody and T-cell responses; protects against challenge with a wild-type HSV-2 virus; greatly reduces the severity of recurrent disease; provides cross-protection against HSV-1, and renders the virus unable to revert to a virulent state or to become latent.[98] His vaccine is now being researched and developed by Accambis (acquired by Sanofi Pasteur in September 200, and is due to be applied as an Investigational New Drug in 2009.[99] However, the status of ACAM-529 became after the acquisition somewhat unclear. According to Jim Tartaglia, a company representative of Sanofi Pasteur, ACAM-529 is still under development and should be enter phase I clinical testing in 2012.


"Here we present the comparison of three routes of administration of ACAM529. We measured immunogenicity as well as protective efficacy in the mouse vaginal challenge model. ELISA and neutralizing antibody titers, as well as protection against morbidity, mortality and viral shedding of the challenge virus indicate that two doses of ACAM529 delivered intramuscularly are optimal."


  1. 今回はACAM529を3種類の方法で投与し、
  2. ラットの "vaginal challenge model"(よく分かりませんでした…) を基に抗原性と感染阻止力?を調べた
  3. 評価指標として、


  4. 「筋肉注射で投与する際に適切と思われるACAM529投与量が2つ見つかった」






Comparison of parenteral delivery routes of ACAM529, a replication-defective vaccine against genital herpes

Hector Hernandez,1Changhong Zhou,1Sophia Mundle,1John Hamberger,1John Catalan,1Svetlana Pougatcheva,1Stephen Anderson,1Patricia Londono-Hayes,1Harold Kleantous,1 and Simon Delagrave1

1Biotherapeutics, Sanofi Pasteur, Cambrige, MA


Human herpes simplex viruses (HSV types 1 and 2) constitute the primary cause of genital ulcer disease. Genital herpes is the most prevalent sexually transmitted infection and is found throughout the world. Available treatments for HSV-infected patients are not 100% effective and cannot prevent acquisition of infection. ACAM529 is an HSV-2 virus made replication-defective by deletion of the genes UL5 and UL29. ACAM529 is propagated in a complementing cell line expressing the deleted genes (Da Costa et al., J. Virol.2000). Here we present the comparison of three routes of administration of ACAM529. We measured immunogenicity as well as protective efficacy in the mouse vaginal challenge model. ELISA and neutralizing antibody titers, as well as protection against morbidity, mortality and viral shedding of the challenge virus indicate that two doses of ACAM529 delivered intramuscularly are optimal.

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