何と、以前に紹介した Coridon教授のチームが開発したDNAワクチンが…、
同チームはAllied Healthcare Groupによる資金提供を受けており、今後は治験に向けて具体的に動き出すようで、「今後1年ぐらいかけて、実際の診療場面でも効果があることをデータで示していきたい」と述べているようです。
"Coridon optimisation technology"という箇所を除けば、技術的な特徴については全く触れられていないのですが、おそらくその「Cordon流最適化法」といったようなものが、抗HSV-DNAワクチンの性能を飛躍的に高めているのかもしれません。
Experimental DNA vaccine gives full protection against herpes
Coridon has announced the results of a pre-clinical animal study of new DNA vaccine showing 100% protection against herpes simplex virus 2.
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Professor Ian Frazer and his team who helped develop the DNA vaccine. |
Brisbane-based Coridon has reached another milestone in the development of its pioneering DNA vaccine against herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) with results from a pre-clinical efficacy study showing it was 100 per cent effective in protecting animals against the virus.
Coridon now plans to progress the DNA virus programme into human clinical studies, with funding from its major investor, Allied Healthcare Group (ASX:AHZ).
The vaccine was developed by Professor Ian Frazer and his team at Coridon, and the study was done in collaboration with Professor David Koelle at the University of Washington in Seattle.
The results of the study were presented at the 5th Vaccine and ISV Annual Global Congress in Seattle on 3rd October 2011.
“The results of our herpes vaccine mark the beginning of an exciting period,” said Professor Frazer.
“Over the next 12 months, we expect pivotal data showing that our HSV vaccine, which incorporates Coridon optimisation technology, produces similar immune responses in the clinic to those seen in the animal trials.”
The DNA vaccine works differently to conventional vaccines. DNA from the virus is injected into the individual, and the body generates an immune response against the proteins encoded by that DNA.
This then enables the body to mount an effective immune defence against the full virus should it ever appear.
DNA vaccines have the tremendous benefit of not only offering prophylactic protection, but also potentially curing individuals currently infected by the virus.
Coridon is developing DNA vaccines for the prevention and treatment of a range of infectious diseases and cancers in humans.
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