そこで、今回見つけた記事なのですが、イギリスで活動をしているHerpes Virus Association(HVA)が発行している定期刊行物「Sphere」に、ImmunoVexの治験を率いているDr Higgsから直接入手した情報が掲載されているようです!
- 2010年から治験Phase Iが行われている
- 治験自体は、ボランティアを4つのグループに分けて行われており、今現在は第3グループの6人目への投与が完了したところ(第3グループには、まだ残り6名がいる模様…)。第3グループに対しては、これまでの2グループよりも多くの薬剤が投与されているが、4ヶ月にわたりHSV抗体の量や副作用の有無を入念に確認しているために、長い時間がかかっている。
- 第4グループへの治験は、順調に進めば、2012年の早いうちに開始できる予定。第4グループは、HSV1、2に感染している人達で、第3グループよりも投薬量は多くなることから、副作用に関する入念な検査や観察を行う必要があり、非常に長い時間がかかると思われる…。
- Phase Iの結果が良ければ、Phase IIへと進むと考えられるし、そこでImmunoVexがHSVの治療や予防に使えるのかどうかがはっきりするものと思われる。
Since Spring 2010, people have been taking part in the Phase 1 trail for ImmunoVex. This is an injection created by BioVex Ltd that might work as a vaccine to prevent uninfected people from catching herpes simplex or might work as a treatment to stop the outbreaks in people who already have herpes simplex. Marian Nicholson had a chat with Dr Chris Higgs, the researcher in charge of the trial, to see how it is going.
Volunteers were put into 4 groups or cohorts. As each cohort is injected without any side-effects, a slightly stronger dose is given to the following cohort. At present Dr Higgs is coming to the end of the injections for the first 6 volunteers of cohort 3. These are people who do not have herpes simplex and the dose they are getting is higher than was given to the volunteers in the first two cohorts. He says that over the course of 4 months, their blood samples are regularly screened to see the level of herpes simplex antibodies they have made as a response to the injection.
If all proceeds according to plan, the next 6 volunteers in cohort 3 will be injected with a higher dose of the drug, starting in early October onwards. This will be done one person at a time, over the course of four months. It is important that each volunteer is monitored for sideeffects before the next volunteer gets involved.
Dr Higgs hopes that at some time early in 2012, volunteers in cohort 4 will be called in. These are people who already have herpes simplex type 1 or 2 and they will be given a stronger dose. There is a possibility that because they have herpes simplex antibodies, the injection could trigger such a surge of antibodies that they become ill. We won't know until the trial takes place. But this is why only one person is given the treatment and then time is allowed to pass before the next one is called in. Dr Higgs doesn't want more than one person to suffer any side effects that this new treatment may throw-up [see footnotes].
He has all the volunteers needed for cohort 4 already signed up. Once cohort 4 volunteers' reaction to the injection has been evaluated, and providing no one has had an unacceptable reaction, BioVex will know that this is a safe product. They will no doubt commission the Phase 2 trial for their product and this is the phase which will evaluate whether Immunovex could treat or prevent herpes simplex. We will be advertising for volunteers at that time...